
Current Projects

Capacity Development of CSOs for Effective Policy Engagements

Funded by: USAID

Period: 2 years

Project Objective:

To enhance capacity of KCCWG to effectively support Kenyan CSOs to participate meaningfully in the national and international climate change policy engagements.

Past Projects

UN Climate Change Learn Project

Project Aim: To strengthen human resources, learning and skills to advance green, low emission and climate resilient development in Kenya.

Funded by: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Period: 2019 - 2021

Green and Inclusive energy - Hivos

Funded by: HIVOS

Period: 5 years

The Strategic partnership energy (SP-E) project falls within the Green and Inclusive Energy program under the renewable energy program being implemented by HIVOs through funding from the Dutch ministry of foreign affairs dialogue and dissent program. The program is built on co-operation with and capacity strengthening of national CSOs to effectively advocate in favour of green and inclusive policies.

Project Objective: Enhancing the Role of Civil Society in Climate Change Adaptation in Kenya.

The objective of the five-year program is to help transition the energy systems in East Africa to one that is green and inclusive and which meets the energy needs of men and women for their daily activities, livelihoods, creates economic opportunities and growth whilst mitigating climate change.

Through the program, five strategic partners in Kenya including KCCWG while complementing each other will focus on lobbying and advocacy to influence citizen agency from centralized energy production towards more decentralized energy systems in which citizens take central stage with strategic guidance from HIVOs. Research, gender mainstreaming, green and inclusive energy advocacy, climate change mitigation through policy advocacy and stakeholders' sensitization on alternative livelihoods, as well as advancing consumer rights will be of key focus to the program.

Main Activities:

a) Participation in the Global sustainable energy for all forum, Round table meeting with policy makers on sustainable energy and its integration into the county actions and plans, training for women, Charcoal Producers Associations (CPAs), youths among other stakeholders on clean energy and related enterprises.

b) Production of a tool to guide sustainable energy access for the counties with a focus on Kajiado County

c) National Pre-COP and Post COP conferences

d) Round table with policy makers and citizens on the second generation CIDP

e) Case studies on the status of energy access in kajiado county

e) Support the county environment committee's monthly meetings which will serve as the reference group for the project as well as the production of a practical tool for NDC (National Determined Contributions) implementation

Enhancing Last Mile Energy Access

Funded by: Wallace Global Fund

Period: 2018 - to date

Project Objective:

To accelerate achievement of universal energy access and advocacy to catalyse increased investment in decentralized renewable energy and capacity building of members on access to modern energy services.

Africa Adaptation Initiative

Project Aim: Enhancing the Role of Civil Society in Climate Change Adaptation in Kenya.

Funded by: WWF-K

Period: 2018 - to date


The project is expected to contribute towards providing an enabling environment for the mainstreaming of climate adaptation in the country. The ultimate outcome of the project is 'peoples in programme areas are effectively controlling decisions and receiving full benefits from natural resources and exercising their responsibility for ensuring that key ecosystems and habitats are sustainably managed'. Through the project, WWF-K will work with Kenya Climate Change Working Group (KCCWG), to influence policy at the national level by building her capacity on climate adaptation, and supporting her in CCA lobbying and advocacy including production and dissemination of CCA materials.

Expected Outcomes:

i. By 2020 CSOs (KCCWG) are influencing CCA related policy and practice change in Kenya

ii. By 2020 WWF Kenya mainstreams CCA and is implementing climate smart conservation programmes

iii. By 2020, at least 1,120 people, male/female in target vulnerable communities in the selected landscapes are benefitting from EBA /CBA interventions

Main Activities:

In its first year of implementation, KCCWG will deliver the first outcome, and largely implement the following activities among others;

a) Train CSOs on CCA and its mainstreaming and policy advocacy

b) Support CCA lobbying and advocacy (NCCAP, NDC, NAP)

c) Production and dissemination of policy recommendation papers, position papers on CCA

d) Support media dialogue /training on CCA issues and reporting

Project Outputs:

Among others, the following are some of the outputs from this project so far:

1. Entry points for Climate Change Adaptation and Mainstreaming in Kenya - Policy Brief

Civic space for Climate change and Energy advocacy

Funded by: Hivos

Period: 2019 - 2020

Project Objective:

Assessing the status of civic space for energy and climate change advocacy in southern and western regions of Africa (Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Senegal and Ghana).

Accelerating achievement of energy and climate change targets

Funded by: Mott Foundation

Period: 2018 - 2021

Project Objective:

Strengthening the CSOs efforts to achieve energy and climate change targets.

Hosting The Sustainable Energy Access Forum Kenya (SEAF-K)

Project Aim: To provide a platform for multi-stakeholder engagement and participation in addressing sustainable energy access for all.

About SEAF-K:

The Sustainable Energy Access Forum Kenya (SEAF-K) is a forum bringing together energy sector players in Kenya with the aim of enhancing multi-stakeholder engagement to address the various challenges encountered in the sector. SEAF-K is brought around a common belief that once sustainable energy solutions are provided with a joint thrust through sufficient policy, financial, technological and institutional support frameworks, Kenya can secure a sustainable pathway towards access to modern energy services for all.

Coordinating civil society response to climate change in kenya- ACT!

Funded by: Act!

Period: 2013 - 2014

Project Goal: To reduce the vulnerability of Kenya's population to climate change impacts


1. To finalize the draft Climate Change Bill for enactment.

2. To partner with Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources in drafting a national climate change policy.

3. Support the establishment of a coherent institutional framework for addressing climate change as a national issue and for implementation of the NCCRS.

4. To strengthen the capacity of KCCWG in coordinating CSOs support to the policy and legislative process on Climate Change in Kenya.


Lobby meetings with MEMR and other relevant stakeholders in policy formulation. Engage in consultative forums. Lobby for an effective and rational institutional framework responsive to current needs.

Climate Change Advocacy

Funded by: WWF-K

Period: 2018-2021

Project Objective:

Reducing climate change related risks and disasters to vulnerable communities and ecosystems for improved social security and improved resilience.

Climate change and energy advocacy with a focus on SE4ALL

Funded by: CAFOD

Period: 3 years

Project Goal: A people free from the vulnerabilities of climate change and empowered enough to engage in their livelihoods improvement.


1. To put in place policy and legislative framework on Climate Change.

2. Strengthen the participation of Kenyans in the climate change debates at the local, national and international level.

3. Reduce the vulnerability of poor communities to climate change in Kenya.


Publicize a case study on the process towards the Climate Change bill in Kenya. Enhance ownership of bill through sensitization meetings and production of I.E.C materials. Engagement and training with Government negotiators and KCCWG members before major international debates. Media engagement in adaptation needs and initiatives

Strengthening Coherence and coordination of climate change governance at the county level

Funded by: Heinrich Boll Foundation (HBF)

Period: 2013 - 2016

Project Objective:

The project sought to empower civil society organizations in Kenya to successfully lobby for inclusive gender sensitive and coherent climate change laws and policies and their implementation and share lessons learnt. The project also aimed at supporting county governments to mainstream climate change in the County integrate Development plans.

Support to climatechange advocacy in kenya - ( Asal Resilience Program)-TROCAIRE

Funded by: Trocaire

Period: 2009 - 2015

Project Goal: A people free from the vulnerabilities of climate change and empowered enough to engage in their livelihoods improvement.


1. To advocate and campaign for a positive policy and legislative framework that puts into account the effects of climate change on human (Kenya's) development.

2. To support and coordinate civil society organizations, and the Government of Kenya to participate meaningfully in the climate change at the local, national, regional and international level, including Subsidiary bodies and Conferences of Parties (COP)

3. To reduce climate change vulnerability of poor communities in Kenya through awareness and strengthening the capacity of Kenyan local communities and civil society to implement community based adaptation projects.

4. Society to implement community based adaptation projects.


Publicize a case study on the process towards the Climate Change bill in Kenya. Enhance ownership of bill through sensitization meetings and production of I.E.C materials. Engagement and training with Government negotiators and KCCWG members before major international debates. Media engagement in adaptation needs and initiatives

Changieni Rasilimali- OXFAM & ACT!

The Changieni Rasilimali (CRM) project, an advocacy project is aimed at achieving a strengthened response to Climate Change at the National and local levels as an indicator of its overall goal. Targeting seven ASAL counties of Turkana, Wajir, Isiolo,Kajiado, Kitui, West Pokot and Tana river.

KCCWG in partnership with Oxfam and Act! (Changieni Rasili mali Facility), seek to address, the weak capacity for state, non-state actors, and poor communities to respond to climate change. This capacity is useful in taking Climate Change mitigation and adaptation actions at the local, county, and national levels.

Project Goals:

1. Strengthen response to Climate Change at the national and local level..

2. To strengthen understanding, knowledge, and awareness of climate change at all levels.

3. To improve climate change framework of engagement at the county and national levels.

4. To strengthen engagement framework for the formulation and implementation pro-poor climate change policy and legislative measures in Kenya.


Through formation of Climate Change networks in the counties to have maximum participation in project activities of state and non sate actors in the target counties. These networks will provide a structured way of lobbying county level actors on Climate Change issues and provide an avenue for structured engagement with National level actors and the National level Network, besides being strengthened to carry on with climate Change adaptation and mitigation activities even beyond this project period.

Through our county liaison officers, we have mobilized Non-State Actors in the counties and initialized formation of these networks. Implementation of project activities will be largely through these networks, an approach that is aimed at cultivating ownership of our activities by the target groups.

Climate Hearings

A climate hearing is an organized forum where purposefully mobilized key stakeholders to come together to discuss climate change problems in their area and brainstorm on possible solutions to those problems in an open manner.


1. To document the impacts of climate change in the specific areas visited and share the same with other stakeholders.

2. To bring together the members of the community and local leaders in to discuss possible solutions to the impacts of climate change with the community and key stakeholders and to share and discuss climate change issues and generate a way forward on interventions.

3. To mobilize the communities for climate change adaptation initiatives locally and to advocate for proper climate response approaches and methods.

4. To advocate and lobby for better policies, and involve the community in the national policy processes.

5. To share information on drafted climate change policies and laws, and get the people's input.


It focuses on listening to the communities, and purposes to make the community understand the climate change phenomena, and hence enable them to share their experiences and suggest the best solutions in the context in which they live. The hearings have proved to be perfect opportunities to involve communities in policy processes e.g on the draft climate change authority bill; have the opportunity to share a forum with government departmental workers to discuss local issues as well as service delivery and make relevant recommendations for the community to adapt and contribute to mitigating climate change.